men det var först för några veckor sedan som jag hörde vad de sjöng i silent shout.
OM jag blev kär, ATT jag blev.

I never knew this could happen to me
I know now fragility
I know there's people who I haven't told
I know of people who are getting old
I know now fragility
I know there's people who I haven't told
I know of people who are getting old
Wish I could speak in just one sweep
What you are and what you mean to me
Instead I mumble randomly
You stand by and enlighten me
In a dream I lost my teeth again
Calling me woman and half man
Yes, in a dream all my teeth fell out
A cracked smile and a silent shout
A cracked smile and a silent shout
If I explain it once thoroughly
He'll have you later 'cause it's never free
You were at the gigantic spree
I caught a glimpse, now it haunts me
I caught a glimpse, now it haunts me
Tror inte folk förstår hur mörka The Knife är. I all fall Silent Shout-albumet. Vilket är sjukt jäkla bra.